The Polish Language in the Digital Age

Information technology changes our everyday lives. We typically use computers for writing, editing, calculating, and information searching, and increasingly for reading, listening to music, viewing photos and watching movies. We carry small computers in our pockets and use them to make phone calls, write emails, get information and entertain ourselves, wherever we are. How does this massive digitisation of information, knowledge and everyday communication affect our language? Will our language change or even disappear? These are the kinds of questions that I answer in the META-NET publication: The Polish Language in The Digital Age. Freely downloadable!


Microsoft Office contains a decent OCR engine, yet it does not create PDF files with a text layer on it. This project contains a script that takes a tif file and converts it into HOCR format (HTML + OCR). This can be then processed with a simple Java program to get a PDF file. Grab it here.

Conferences and Talks

  1. III Sympozjum Trans-dyscyplinarne “Uniwersalność w nauce i filozofii”, Modzele Bartłomieje (31.05. 1997)
  2. “Nietzsche and the Post-Analytical Philosophy”, University of Southampton (11-12.09.1999); in section 2a ( Powers of Freedom) I had a talk Freedom as Creativity. The Significance of Nietzsche’s Thought for Contemporary Post-Analytical Philosophy
  3. IX. Internationaler Kant-Kongress, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (26- 31.03.2000)
  4. Internationaler Kongress zum 100. Todestag Friedrich Nietzsches, Naumburg (24-27.08.2000); in the section Ethik bei Friedrich Nietzsche I had a talk Freiheit als Ethik bei Friedrich Nietzsche
  5. “The Tree Fell, But Did Anyone Hear It? Nietzsche and Bildung”, University of Durham (8-10.09. 2000); in section 2 I had a talk Nietzsche and Classical Philology. The Controversy over the Bildung
  6. Pragmatism Today, Universität Konstanz (12-15.05.2001)
  7. Czym jest umysł?, Polskie Towarzystwo Filozoficzne w Cieszynie, Bielsko-Biała 25-27 września 2003
  8. Jak istnieje umysł, Polskie Towarzystwo Kognitywistyczne, UMK Toruń, 17.12.2003 (I had a talk Heterofenomeologia a zagadnienie introspekcji)
  9. Debate over Urszula Żegleń’s book Filozofia umysłu. Dyskusja z naturalistycznymi koncepcjami, Polskie Towarzystwo Filozoficzne i IF UMCS, Lublin, 11.03.2004 (I had a talk Przypisywanie intencji, czyli jak to z termostatem było)
  10. Formy reprezentacji umysłowych, IFiS PAN i WP-A UAM, Jarocin, 18-19. 06.2004 (I had a talk Rzeczywiste wzorce intencjonalności)
  11. VII Polski Zjazd Filozoficzny, Szczecin, 14-18.08.2004 (I had a talk O typach argumentacji przeciwko qualiom w sekcji Filozofia umysłu)
  12. Cognitive Systems as Representational Systems, Polskie Towarzystwo Kognitywistyczne i Sekcja Metodologii Nauk Komitetu Naukoznawstwa PAN, Toruń, 29-30.09.2004 (I had a talk Why cognitive systems are not only intentional, but representational as well?)
  13. EMPATIA – kategoria kulturowa, językowa i kognitywistyczna, III Seminarium Kognitywistyczne, UMCS, Lublin, 19-20 May 2005 (I had a talk Empatia contra teoria analogii)
  14. E-CAP 2005 @ MDH (European Computing and Philosophy Conference), Uniwersytet Mälardalen, Sweden, 2-4 June 2005 (I had a talk Is computationalism trivial? – tu znajduje się abstrakt w formacie PDF, a tu prezentacja w formacie PDF)
  15. Toward the Science of Consciousness (TSC2005), Methodological and Conceptual Issues, Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 17-20 August 2005 (I had a talk Is there any difference between heterophenomenology and neurophenomenology? – the whole book of abstracts is here)
  16. Fifth European Congress for Analytic Philosophy, Lisbona University, 27-31st August 2005 (I had a talk On types of arguments against qualia)
  17. Kazimierz Naturalized Epistemology Workshop ’05, UMCS & KUL, 2-6 September 2005 (I had a talk Making naturalized epistemology normative)
  18. Poznańskie Kolokwia Kognitywistyczne I. Funkcje umysłu, 17-19 November 2005 (I had a talk Poziomy funkcjonalnej analizy umysłu)
  19. Computers and Philosophy (i-C&P), 3-5 May 2005, Laval, France (I had a talk Is evolution algorithmical?)
  20. Kazimierz Naturalized Epistemology Workshop 2006 (KNEW’06), 1-5 September 2006, Kazimierz Dolny (organized with Konrad Talmont-Kamiński as a member of Center of Philosophical Research)
  21. Modularność Umysłu, IFiS PAN i WPA UAM w Kaliszu, 18-20 September 2006, Jarocin (I had a talk Architektury modularne – funkcje, indywiduacja modułów i poziomy opisu)
  22. Przyszłość uniwersytetów w Polsce i Unii Europejskiej, Instytut Badania nad Gospodarką Rynkową, Warszawa, 12 October 2006 (I took part in the panel Jak zreformować polskie uniwersytety? – my presentation is here).
  23. Embodied and Situated Cognition, UMK, Toruń, 16-18 November 2006 (I had a talk Extended Computational Systems and Extended Minds – my presentation is here, and the abstract here). There are also video clips from the conference.
  24. V Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Kognitywistycznego, Umysł w świecie – świat w umyśle, 1-2 December 2006, Poznań (I had a talk Czy architektura umysłu to taka sobie bajeczka? (Na przykładzie psychologii ewolucyjnej) – my presentation is here, and the abstract – here).
  25. Practical Applications in Language and Computers PALC 2007, 22 April 2007, Łódź (in the Polish section I had a talk Zautomatyzowane tworzenie korpusów błędów dla języka polskiego – my presentation is here).
  26. XVII Interuniversity Workshop on Philosophy and Cognitive Science: Peter Carruthers, 24-26th May 2007, Palma de Mallorca (I had a talk When weak modularity is robust enough?)
  27. European Computing and Philosophy Conference, Twente University, 21-23 June 2007, Twente, Holand (I had a talk What difference does embodiment make? – my presentation is here)
  28. Toward a Science of Consciousness, Budapest, Hungary, 23-26th July 2007 (I had a talk QuantumMary meets computationalism, which is in the book of abstracts – the presentation is here)
  29. Utajone Funkcje Umysłu, Jarocin, 27-28th September 2007 (I had a talk Antyrealizm i realizm w postulowaniu utajonych funkcji umysłu)
  30. VI Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Kognitywistycznego, Poznań, UAM, 18-19th April 2008 (I had a talk Modularność: ujęcie funkcjonalne czy architekturalne?)
  31. Drugie Łódzkie Warsztaty Filozoficzne. Język i technologia. Wątki lemowskie w filozofii nauki i kultury, Łódź, UŁ/KNF, 25-27th April 2008, (I had a talk Nauki reinżynieryjne)
  32. Argumentation as a Cognitive Process, Toruń, UMK/PTK, 15-17th May 2008 (I had a talk What kind of cognitive process is argumentation)
  33. 31st International Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, 10-16th August 2008 (I had a talk Defining ontological naturalism – here is the presentation)
  34. 6th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Cracow, 21st-26th August 2008 (I had a talk When physical systems realize computation? – here is the abstract)


I will be putting the presentations from my lecture (based on the book project) here.

Lecture 1: Computational Explanation and Computer Metaphor

Lecture 2: Computation in cognitive science: classical case studies

Lecture 3: Modern case studies and a funeral

Lecture 4: Computational processes: the black-box account

Lecture 5: Computational processes: mechanistic account of causal organization

Lecture 6: Computational processes: mechanistic account of system boundaries

Lecture 7: Computational processes: Does my wall compute?

Lecture 8: Computational explanation a la Hempel

Lecture 9: Functional account of computational explanation

Lecture 10: Magical number three, plus minus one

Lecture 11: Mechanistic account of computational explanation

Lecture 12: Theoretical unification. Classical accounts of representation

Lecture 13. Towards a theory of representational mechanisms

Lecture 14. Limits of computational explanation

Explaining the Computational Mind

I’m writing a book on computational explanation in cognitive science under the tentative title Explaining the Computational Mind. The book is on contract with MIT Press.

A good summary of what is going to be the main argument of the book is contained in the syllabus of my lecture at Warsaw University (English programme in the Institute of Philosophy).

If you are interested in reading the drafts of the chapters, simply ask me for the id and password for the below files and presentations. Here is my contact form.

Continue reading “Explaining the Computational Mind”


W pakiecie Microsoft Office jest niezła funkcja rozpoznawania znaków (OCR), ale niestety, nie pozwala tworzyć graficznych plików PDF z warstwą tekstową. Zapisuje pliki w dziwnym formacie .modi lub .tif o nietypowej budowie. Stworzyłem narzędzie, które jednak coś z tym robi. Do pobrania tutaj.

Explanation in Cognitive Science

The purpose of the seminar is to review explanatory methods used in cognitive science. Cognitive science is an interdisciplinary enterprise, with various research agendas and profiles, so to understand various explanatory methods it is indispensable to look at different approaches used to explain cognitive phenomena. We will start with classical computational and symbolic theories of cognition, and then look at parallel distributed processing (PDP) models, dynamical, sensorimotor and embodied theories of the mind, and behavioral robotics. It will be also important to see what is the role of mental representation in explaining cognition, on the various approaches to computer simulation and models. In a way, this seminar can be treated as an introduction to the methodology of cognitive science. This introduction stresses the explanatory pluralism in contemporary research rather than argues for a single model that would fit all needs.


The model of explanation used in cognitive science that will be reconstructed based on actual and classical research papers. Yet, we will also look at programmatic manifestos and briefly review the accounts of explanation used from philosophy of science (the covering-law model and mechanistic explanation).

Continue reading “Explanation in Cognitive Science”

Beyond Description. Naturalism and Normativity


Image The volume we edited with Konrad Talmont-Kamiński has just been published.
Here is the blurb:

The contributors to this volume engage with issues of normativity within naturalised philosophy. The issues are critical to naturalism as most traditional notions in philosophy, such as knowledge, justification or representation, are said to involve normativity. Some of the contributors pursue the question of the correct place of normativity within a naturalised ontology, with emergentist and eliminativist answers offered on neighbouring pages. Others seek to justify particular norms within a naturalised framework, the more surprising ones including naturalist takes on the a priori and intuitions. Finally, yet others examine concrete examples of the application of norms within particular epistemic endeavours, such as psychopathology and design. The overall picture is that of an intimate engagement with issues of normativity on the part of naturalist philosophers – questioning some of the fundamentals at the same time as they try to work out many of the details.

You can find the contents of the volume below.


Continue reading “Beyond Description. Naturalism and Normativity”

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