Cognitive Artifacts for Geometric Reasoning

Type Journal Article
Author Mateusz Hohol
Author Marcin Miłkowski
Publication Foundations of Science
ISSN 1233-1821, 1572-8471
Date 2019-5-4
Journal Abbr Found Sci
DOI 10.1007/s10699-019-09603-w
Accessed 2019-05-08 07:48:30
Library Catalog (Crossref)
Language en
Abstract In this paper, we focus on the development of geometric cognition. We argue that to understand how geometric cognition has been constituted, one must appreciate not only individual cognitive factors, such as phylogenetically ancient and ontogenetically early core cognitive systems, but also the social history of the spread and use of cognitive artifacts. In particular, we show that the development of Greek mathematics, enshrined in Euclid’s Elements, was driven by the use of two tightly intertwined cognitive artifacts: the use of lettered diagrams; and the creation of linguistic formulae (namely non-compositional fixed strings of words used repetitively within authors and between them). Together, these artifacts formed the professional language of geometry. In this respect, the case of Greek geometry clearly shows that explanations of geometric reasoning have to go beyond the confines of methodological individualism to account for how the distributed practice of artifact use has stabilized over time. This practice, as we suggest, has also contributed heavily to the understanding of what mathematical proof is; classically, it has been assumed that proofs are not merely deductively correct but also remain invariant over various individuals sharing the same cognitive practice. Cognitive artifacts in Greek geometry constrained the repertoire of admissible inferential operations, which made these proofs inter-subjectively testable and compelling. By focusing on the cognitive operations on artifacts, we also stress that mental mechanisms that contribute to these operations are still poorly understood, in contrast to those mechanisms which drive symbolic logical inference.

Source: Publications

Embodied Cognition Meets Multiple Realizability

Type Journal Article
Author Marcin Miłkowski
Rights ©2018 Società Editrice Il Mulino S.p.A.
Issue 2
Pages 349–364
Publication Reti, saperi, linguaggi
ISSN 2279-7777
Date 2018
DOI 10.12832/92305
Accessed 2019-02-12 11:21:14
Library Catalog mEDRA
Language en
Abstract It could be argued that computationalism presupposes multiple realizability of computation, while embodiment of cognitive agents is incompatible, or difficult to reconcile with multiple realizability. Thus, some proponents of embodied cognition could reject computationalism for this reason. This paper offers a reply: It is argued that computational systems are not fruitfully described as multiply realizable, and that the notion of organizational invariance captures the underlying intuitions better. But that notion also applies to embodied cognitive agents. Thus, the argument fails, but for a different reason than the one usually presupposed in the debate.

Source: Publications

Mechanistic Computational Individuation without Biting the Bullet

Type Journal Article
Author Nir Fresco
Author Marcin Miłkowski
Publication The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
Journal Abbr Br J Philos Sci
DOI 10.1093/bjps/axz005
Accessed 2019-02-07 10:44:19
Library Catalog
Language en
Abstract Abstract. Is the mathematical function being computed by a given physical system determined by the system’s dynamics? This question is at the heart of the inde

Source: Publications

Reproduction of Computational Models in Neuroscience and Understanding


Profile photo of Marcin Miłkowski

Marcin Miłkowski


Our joint paper (written by myself, Mateusz Hohol, and Witold Hensel) on reproducibility of computational neuroscience has just been assigned to the December issue of the Journal of Computational Neuroscience (open access). In this paper, we argue that assuring replication of scientific results does not yield to a single solution. And this is still a problem, with few reproductions being published and low code availability in major journals of computational neuroscience, as our preliminary study shows:


Most importantly, repeating the model, or rerunning the same model by the same researchers, and replicating the model, or rerunning it by others, requires different set of best practices. They actually would benefit from minute documentation of the whole modelling process, including noting random seeds, versioning all the scripts, recording all intermediate results, etc. (a proposal of ensuring repeatability and replicability of computer science this way was recently defended by Sandve et al. 2013).

But for theoretical purposes of understanding and explanation, these could be detrimental. If one wishes to actually reproduce the results by building another model by following its theoretical description, all the minute details could be actually detrimental and distracting. As we argue in the paper, publications regarding models in computational neuroscience should therefore contain all and only information relevant to reproducing a model and evaluating its value. Alas, many papers currently publish fail in both respects: sometimes they include redundant introductions of the theoretical framework, for example, instead of describing how a particular model was produced, and sometimes they simply fail to make clear how theoretical understanding was operationalized in a model.

Our proposal is, as it turned out, similar in spirit to what Guest and Cooper proposed in their paper. They argue that what they call ‘specification of a model’ is not to be conflated with its implementation. Thus, a theory behind a model should be included in its specification, and implementation details, which sometimes include ad hoc assumptions required to make the model actually run, should not be confused with the theory. A good example of such a confusion is how Pinker and Prince (1988) criticize the influential model of past-tense learning by Rumelhart and McClelland (1986): they take the implementation detail to be theoretically important, while later connectionist work shows that the theoretical account is much more general than a particular choice of problem representation (such as the particular phonological representation in the first model).

Our approach is similar to what Guest and Cooper defend. Nonetheless, we stress that one should distinguish two practices – and ensure not only replication and repetition but also reproduction. The first is served better by open repositories, public code review and such, while the second is best ensured by good theoretical publication and subsequent attempted reproduction.

Source: Cognitive Science in Search of Unity

Silent revolution in Cognitive Science, slowly overriding 4E

We recently published a paper From Wide Cognition to Mechanisms: A Silent Revolution in Frontiers in Psychology. The paper was six years in the making, which mirrors the slow, silent revolution in cognitive science. In the paper, we argue that several recent ‘wide’ perspectives on cognition—embodied, embedded, extended, enactive, and distributed—are now only partially relevant to the study of cognition.

The study of cognition has already progressed beyond these proposed perspectives toward building integrated explanations of the mechanisms involved, including not only internal submechanisms but also interactions with others, groups, cognitive artifacts, and their environment. Wide perspectives are essentially research heuristics for building mechanistic explanations. It’s a silent revolution; it happens without much fanfare. But it is real.

In some ways, what we say could be considered merely a description of what happens right now in cognitive (neuro)science: it does move away from pure methodological individualism to embrace a view of cognition that is no longer treated as autonomous from the brain, culture, or society. So, what is controversial about our paper?

First and foremost, we argue that wide perspectives on cognition are best understood mechanistically. This means we believe that people who stress embodiment or the role of the environment are best seen as proposing causal explanations of cognitive phenomena. Maybe controversial, if you deny that causal explanations exist, believe that there are general invariant laws of cognition, or consider boxes-and-arrows models of cognition to be more useful than causal models. We don’t think this is really controversial.

Another point is that we stress that wide perspectives offer only limited heuristics for the study of cognition. This is admittedly much more controversial, especially if you have spent a lot of time arguing that methodological solipsism is not a good idea. What, embodied cognition or the extended mind are not really complete theories of cognition?

Nope. Theories should offer detailed predictions for the phenomena we want to study. Take mind-reading: the ability to understand other minds. What in particular does the extended mind perspective predict and explain about it? Maybe that there will be some non-brain-based props that we use to understand others, such as linguistic utterances of others. So maybe some manipulations of linguistic utterances could influence mind-reading. But that’s it. Preciously little. Ditto for embodiment: all it points out is that there could be non-neural factors of mind-reading. Maybe we are much more effective in ascribing mental states to bodies that resemble ours (but again, we know that people can easily ascribe intentions to triangles and squares). Still, we remain quite in the dark about the mechanism that allows us to understand what others think. We need a more integrative story. In the paper, we describe a story based on the idea of mind-shaping as defended recently by Tad Zawidzki.

Thus, what we say is that instead of providing complete theories or iron principles of cognition, wide perspectives help researchers make informed choices of what causal factors to study when explaining cognitive phenomena. Wide perspectives provide fallible heuristics for the study of cognition and thus, they usually best work together.

I’m sure that there is a lot here to disagree and discuss further. What I hope to see is whether we could, thanks to this discussion, make some progress toward understanding what theory in cognitive science should be.

Thanks to all authors who helped to write this paper. 

Profile photo of Marcin Miłkowski
Marcin Miłkowski


Source: Cognitive Science in Search of Unity

Explaining the Computational Mind

My book appeared and can be purchased in print or in Kindle, or directly from MIT Press. Oron Shagrir reviewed it in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, and Frances Egan in the Review of Metaphysics (behind a paywall). I also talk about the book with Carrie Figdor in New Books in Philosophy.

For the book, I was awarded the National Science Centre prize in humanities and social sciences for young scientists in 2014.

In the book, I argue that the mind can be explained computationally because it is itself computational—whether it engages in mental arithmetic, parses natural language, or processes the auditory signals that allow us to experience music. All these capacities arise from complex information-processing operations of the mind. By analyzing the state of the art in cognitive science, I develop an account of computational explanation used to explain the capacities in question.

Defending the computational explanation against objections to it—from John Searle and Hilary Putnam in particular— I conclude that computationalism is here to stay but is not what many have taken it to be. In particular, it does not rely on a Cartesian gulf between either software and hardware or mind and brain. The computational method of describing the ways information is processed is usually abstract—but cognition is possible only when computation is realized physically, and the physical realization is not the same thing as its description. The mechanistic construal of computation allows me to show that no purely computational explanation of a physical process will ever be complete. This is because we also need to account for how the computation is physically implemented, and in explaining this, we cannot simply appeal to computation itself. In addition, we need to know how the computational mechanism is embedded in the environment, which, again, is not a purely computational matter. For this reason, computationalism is plausible only if you also accept explanatory pluralism: the proposition that there are acceptable causal explanations that are not spelled out in terms of any computational idiom. This is perfectly in line with the mechanistic philosophy of science.

I sketch a mechanistic theory of implementation of computation against a background of extant conceptions, describing four dissimilar computational models of cognition. The first model is Allen Newell and Herbert Simon’s model of problem solving involved in so-called cryptarithmetics, which is a kind of mathematical puzzle. Then, a connectionist model of past tense acquisition of English verbs, developed by David Rumelhart and James McClelland in 1980s, is scrutinized, to be followed by a biologically plausible model of path integration in rats. The latter one was built in 2005 by John Conklin and Chris Eliasmith and is one of the cutting-edge developments in computational neuroscience. The last case study is a robotic model of phonotaxis in crickets, developed by Barbara Webb, which shows the application of robotic explanations in neuroethology.

I review other philosophical accounts of implementation and computational explanation and defends a notion of representation that is compatible with his mechanistic account and adequate vis à vis the four models discussed earlier. Instead of arguing that there is no computation without representation, I invert the slogan and show that there is no representation without computation—but explains that representation goes beyond purely computational considerations. My arguments vindicate computational explanation in a novel way by relying on mechanistic theory of science and interventionist theory of causation. The overall ambition of the project is to furnish cognitive scientists with an up-to-date conceptual and methodological framework of computational explanation.

This work was supported by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education grant N N101 138039 under the contract 1380/B/H03/2010/39. In 2013, it won the Tadeusz Kotarbiński prize for the best book in philosophy in 2011-2013 from the Section I of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Regarding the Mind, Naturally

Book coverOur volume is just out! Thanks to all contributors for their excellent work. 

Some of the early versions of the papers in this volume were presented during workshops in Kazimierz Dolny, Poland that we have organized over a number of years, and a certain kind of dualism that seems to correspond to the two kinds of naturalism discussed above is reflected in the names of these workshops. They started out as the Kazimierz Naturalized Epistemology Workshop (KNEW) back in 2005. After some time, roughly at the point when we decided that there was enough material about normativity to think of editing a volume about it (which appeared as Beyond Description), we retained only the acronym, as we felt that epistemology was already successfully naturalized. The unofficial expansion was Kazimierz Naturalized Everything Workshop, while the official one – Kazimierz Naturalist Workshop. We wanted to stress that we are no longer so much interested in meta-philosophical reflection about the status of naturalism as in the real work done.
Because many of the participants of the workshops have decided to come regularly, we believe we can say that there is something that brings them together; this is exactly the second kind of naturalism, as described above. For the present volume, we asked some of our regulars to contribute chapters related to naturalistic approaches to the mind.
Naturalism is currently the most vibrantly developing approach to philosophy, with naturalised methodologies being applied across all the philosophical disciplines. One of the areas naturalism has been focussing upon is the mind, traditionally viewed as a topic hard to reconcile with the naturalistic worldview. A number of questions have been pursued in this context. What is the place of the mind in the world? How should we study the mind as a natural phenomenon? What is the significance of cognitive science research for philosophical debates? In this book, philosophical questions about the mind are asked in the context of recent developments in cognitive science, evolutionary theory, psychology, and the project of the naturalisation. Much of the focus is upon what we have learned by studying natural mental mechanisms as well as designing artificial ones. In the case of natural mental mechanisms, this includes consideration of such issues as the significance of deficits in these mechanisms for psychiatry. The significance of the evolutionary context for mental mechanisms as well as questions regarding rationality and wisdom is also explored. Mechanistic and functional models of the mind are used to throw new light on discussions regarding issues of explanation, reduction and the realisation of mental phenomena. Finally, naturalistic approaches are used to look anew at such traditional philosophical issues as the correspondence of mind to world and presuppositions of scientific research.


Introduction 1

Naturalizing the Mind

Marcin Miłkowski and Konrad Talmont-Kaminski

Chapter One 12

Reverse Engineering in Cognitive Science

Marcin Miłkowski

Chapter Two 30

Carving the Mind by its Joints: Culture-bound Psychiatric

Disorders as Natural Kinds

Samuli Pöyhönen

Chapter Three 49

Naturalizing Wisdom

Mark Alfino

Chapter Four 71

A Biological Perspective on the Nature of Cognition:
Some Remarks for a Naturalistic Program

Alvaro Moreno

Chapter Five 86

Do Animals See Objects?

Paweł Grabarczyk

Chapter Six 103

Grounding the Origins of the State in the Evolution of the Mind

Benoît Dubreuil

Chapter Seven 119

Realization and Robustness: Naturalizing Nonreductive


Markus I. Eronen


Chapter Eight 138

Can the Mental be Causally Efficacious?

Panu Raatikainen

Chapter Nine 167

On Reduction and Interfield Integration in Neuroscience

Witold M. Hensel

Chapter Ten 182

Challenges to Cartesian Materialism: Understanding

Consciousness and the Mind-World Relation

Jonathan Knowles

Chapter Eleven 203

Qualia as Intrinsic Properties

Tadeusz Ciecierski

Chapter Twelve 216

A HOT Solution to the Problem of the Explanatory Gap

Dimitris Platchias

Chapter Thirteen 232

Naturalizing Epistemology for Autonomous Systems

Jaime Gomez Ramirez

Chapter Fourteen 248

How Truth could be Reduced? Field’s Deflationism as a Kind
of Supervenience Thesis

Krystyna Bielecka

Chapter Fifteen 262

How to Naturalize Truth

María J. Frápolli


Automating rule generation for grammar checkers


In this paper, I describe several approaches to automatic or semi-automatic creating symbolic rules for grammar checkers and propose a pure corpora-based approach.

Traditional a priori approaches can reuse existing positive or negative knowledge that is not based on empirical corpora research. For example, they reuse knowledge such as usage dictionaries, spelling dictionaries or formalized grammars. Mixed approaches apply linguistic knowledge to corpora to refine intuitive prescriptions described for humans in dictionaries. For example, it is relatively easy to use machine-learning methods, such as transformation-based learning (TBL) to create error-matching rules using real corpora material. TBL algorithms can start with dictionary knowledge (Mangu & Brill 1997) or with artificially introduced errors to corpora that were known to be relatively free from errors (Sjöberg & Knuttson 2005). Approaches based on reusing error corpora were often discarded as non-realistic, as creating such corpora is costly. Yet, there are ways to automate building such corpora by observing frequency of user revisions to the text (Miłkowski 2008).

I show how an error corpus generated from Wikipedia revision history can be used to automatically generate error-matching symbolic rules for grammar checkers. Though no error corpora can be considered complete, TBL algorithms deal with small corpora sufficiently well. Automated building of rules can also enhance grammar checkers’ rules precision.

I show some of the automatically generated rules for Polish and English: as they were learned using TBL, they had a symbolic form and were easily translatable to the notation required by LanguageTool, an open-source general-purpose proofreading software. As will be shown, some of the automatically generated rules tend to have higher recall than the ones manually crafted. TBL rules don’t allow the level of generality offered by LanguageTool (no regular expressions, not to mention such mechanisms as feature unification) so human intervention is useful to join the resulting rules together in a single LanguageTool rule.

See the full paper draft here.

The Polish Language in the Digital Age

Information technology changes our everyday lives. We typically use computers for writing, editing, calculating, and information searching, and increasingly for reading, listening to music, viewing photos and watching movies. We carry small computers in our pockets and use them to make phone calls, write emails, get information and entertain ourselves, wherever we are. How does this massive digitisation of information, knowledge and everyday communication affect our language? Will our language change or even disappear? These are the kinds of questions that I answer in the META-NET publication: The Polish Language in The Digital Age. Freely downloadable!


Microsoft Office contains a decent OCR engine, yet it does not create PDF files with a text layer on it. This project contains a script that takes a tif file and converts it into HOCR format (HTML + OCR). This can be then processed with a simple Java program to get a PDF file. Grab it here.

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