Conferences and Talks

  1. III Sympozjum Trans-dyscyplinarne “Uniwersalność w nauce i filozofii”, Modzele Bartłomieje (31.05. 1997)
  2. “Nietzsche and the Post-Analytical Philosophy”, University of Southampton (11-12.09.1999); in section 2a ( Powers of Freedom) I had a talk Freedom as Creativity. The Significance of Nietzsche’s Thought for Contemporary Post-Analytical Philosophy
  3. IX. Internationaler Kant-Kongress, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (26- 31.03.2000)
  4. Internationaler Kongress zum 100. Todestag Friedrich Nietzsches, Naumburg (24-27.08.2000); in the section Ethik bei Friedrich Nietzsche I had a talk Freiheit als Ethik bei Friedrich Nietzsche
  5. “The Tree Fell, But Did Anyone Hear It? Nietzsche and Bildung”, University of Durham (8-10.09. 2000); in section 2 I had a talk Nietzsche and Classical Philology. The Controversy over the Bildung
  6. Pragmatism Today, Universität Konstanz (12-15.05.2001)
  7. Czym jest umysł?, Polskie Towarzystwo Filozoficzne w Cieszynie, Bielsko-Biała 25-27 września 2003
  8. Jak istnieje umysł, Polskie Towarzystwo Kognitywistyczne, UMK Toruń, 17.12.2003 (I had a talk Heterofenomeologia a zagadnienie introspekcji)
  9. Debate over Urszula Żegleń’s book Filozofia umysłu. Dyskusja z naturalistycznymi koncepcjami, Polskie Towarzystwo Filozoficzne i IF UMCS, Lublin, 11.03.2004 (I had a talk Przypisywanie intencji, czyli jak to z termostatem było)
  10. Formy reprezentacji umysłowych, IFiS PAN i WP-A UAM, Jarocin, 18-19. 06.2004 (I had a talk Rzeczywiste wzorce intencjonalności)
  11. VII Polski Zjazd Filozoficzny, Szczecin, 14-18.08.2004 (I had a talk O typach argumentacji przeciwko qualiom w sekcji Filozofia umysłu)
  12. Cognitive Systems as Representational Systems, Polskie Towarzystwo Kognitywistyczne i Sekcja Metodologii Nauk Komitetu Naukoznawstwa PAN, Toruń, 29-30.09.2004 (I had a talk Why cognitive systems are not only intentional, but representational as well?)
  13. EMPATIA – kategoria kulturowa, językowa i kognitywistyczna, III Seminarium Kognitywistyczne, UMCS, Lublin, 19-20 May 2005 (I had a talk Empatia contra teoria analogii)
  14. E-CAP 2005 @ MDH (European Computing and Philosophy Conference), Uniwersytet Mälardalen, Sweden, 2-4 June 2005 (I had a talk Is computationalism trivial? – tu znajduje się abstrakt w formacie PDF, a tu prezentacja w formacie PDF)
  15. Toward the Science of Consciousness (TSC2005), Methodological and Conceptual Issues, Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 17-20 August 2005 (I had a talk Is there any difference between heterophenomenology and neurophenomenology? – the whole book of abstracts is here)
  16. Fifth European Congress for Analytic Philosophy, Lisbona University, 27-31st August 2005 (I had a talk On types of arguments against qualia)
  17. Kazimierz Naturalized Epistemology Workshop ’05, UMCS & KUL, 2-6 September 2005 (I had a talk Making naturalized epistemology normative)
  18. Poznańskie Kolokwia Kognitywistyczne I. Funkcje umysłu, 17-19 November 2005 (I had a talk Poziomy funkcjonalnej analizy umysłu)
  19. Computers and Philosophy (i-C&P), 3-5 May 2005, Laval, France (I had a talk Is evolution algorithmical?)
  20. Kazimierz Naturalized Epistemology Workshop 2006 (KNEW’06), 1-5 September 2006, Kazimierz Dolny (organized with Konrad Talmont-Kamiński as a member of Center of Philosophical Research)
  21. Modularność Umysłu, IFiS PAN i WPA UAM w Kaliszu, 18-20 September 2006, Jarocin (I had a talk Architektury modularne – funkcje, indywiduacja modułów i poziomy opisu)
  22. Przyszłość uniwersytetów w Polsce i Unii Europejskiej, Instytut Badania nad Gospodarką Rynkową, Warszawa, 12 October 2006 (I took part in the panel Jak zreformować polskie uniwersytety? – my presentation is here).
  23. Embodied and Situated Cognition, UMK, Toruń, 16-18 November 2006 (I had a talk Extended Computational Systems and Extended Minds – my presentation is here, and the abstract here). There are also video clips from the conference.
  24. V Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Kognitywistycznego, Umysł w świecie – świat w umyśle, 1-2 December 2006, Poznań (I had a talk Czy architektura umysłu to taka sobie bajeczka? (Na przykładzie psychologii ewolucyjnej) – my presentation is here, and the abstract – here).
  25. Practical Applications in Language and Computers PALC 2007, 22 April 2007, Łódź (in the Polish section I had a talk Zautomatyzowane tworzenie korpusów błędów dla języka polskiego – my presentation is here).
  26. XVII Interuniversity Workshop on Philosophy and Cognitive Science: Peter Carruthers, 24-26th May 2007, Palma de Mallorca (I had a talk When weak modularity is robust enough?)
  27. European Computing and Philosophy Conference, Twente University, 21-23 June 2007, Twente, Holand (I had a talk What difference does embodiment make? – my presentation is here)
  28. Toward a Science of Consciousness, Budapest, Hungary, 23-26th July 2007 (I had a talk QuantumMary meets computationalism, which is in the book of abstracts – the presentation is here)
  29. Utajone Funkcje Umysłu, Jarocin, 27-28th September 2007 (I had a talk Antyrealizm i realizm w postulowaniu utajonych funkcji umysłu)
  30. VI Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Kognitywistycznego, Poznań, UAM, 18-19th April 2008 (I had a talk Modularność: ujęcie funkcjonalne czy architekturalne?)
  31. Drugie Łódzkie Warsztaty Filozoficzne. Język i technologia. Wątki lemowskie w filozofii nauki i kultury, Łódź, UŁ/KNF, 25-27th April 2008, (I had a talk Nauki reinżynieryjne)
  32. Argumentation as a Cognitive Process, Toruń, UMK/PTK, 15-17th May 2008 (I had a talk What kind of cognitive process is argumentation)
  33. 31st International Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, 10-16th August 2008 (I had a talk Defining ontological naturalism – here is the presentation)
  34. 6th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Cracow, 21st-26th August 2008 (I had a talk When physical systems realize computation? – here is the abstract)

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